Treasurer - Doddanna Krishna, M.D.
Dr. Krishna is board certified in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine.
He specializes in diseases of the lung, critical care, and sleep disorders.
He has practiced medicine in the Antelope Valley since 1989 in his private
practice, as well as, at Antelope Valley Medical Center and Palmdale Regional
Medical Center.
Dr. Krishna completed his Fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine at Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow New York, and his Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx New York.
Dr. Krishna served four terms as Chief of Medical Staff at Antelope Valley Medical Center; 2002 – 2004 and again 2007 -2012. He is an advocate for Quality Patient Care and has served as Chair for the department of Medicine and Chair of the Quality Management Committee, as well as having participated as an active member on a variety of many other hospital committees throughout the years.
Dr. Krishna is a retired United States Army Reserve Captain. He was a member of the Lancaster West Rotary Club International and a Council Member representing our local chapter of L.A. County Medical Association for many years.
Dr. Krishna values the importance of education, exercise, and healthy life-styles. He has a warm, compassionate personality whose goal in life is to help others; from his expertise as a physician trained in medical healing, to the simplicity of giving away a smile.