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Men’s Health Month: Tips for Staying Healthy at Every Age

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Men’s Health Month: Tips for Staying Healthy at Every Age

Maintaining optimal health is a lifelong commitment that requires attention and action at every stage of life. Whether you are a teenager playing sports all year round or a retiree with increased health risks, staying healthy is paramount. This June is National Men’s Health Month. For men of all ages, regardless of risk factors and preexisting conditions, healthy lifestyle choices can give them vitality, energy, and wellness throughout their whole lives. Here are essential tips on staying healthy, from regular checkups and exercise to healthy nutrition and mental health.

RELATED: Men's Health Across the Lifespan: Managing Health Risks at Every Age

Regular Checkups

Regular medical checkups are the bedrock of maintaining health. These visits allow healthcare providers to perform screenings that can detect potential health issues early, when most treatable. For men, specific screenings might include blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, prostate health, and skin checks.

Starting in their 20s, men should establish a relationship with a healthcare provider and have a physical exam every year. This practice helps keep track of their health status and provides an opportunity to discuss any concerns or changes they might have noticed in their bodies.

RELATED: Health Screenings for Men & Women


Physical activity is a powerful tool for staying healthy. Regular exercise helps control weight, strengthens the heart, improves muscle strength and flexibility, and can even boost mental health. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, combined with muscle-strengthening activities two or more days a week.

For men, incorporating a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises works best. Activities like brisk walking, running, swimming, golf, weight training, and yoga can efficiently address these needs and promote overall well-being.

RELATED: Sun, Fun, and Fitness: 10 Active Summer Activities for the Whole Family


Good nutrition is crucial for health at any age. A balanced diet provides the energy and nutrients necessary for everyday activities, supports immune function, and prevents weight gain and chronic diseases. Men should focus on:

  • Whole foods: Aim to fill your plate with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  • Limit processed foods and sugar: These can contribute to weight gain and health issues like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for overall health and can help manage weight by preventing overeating.

Understanding portion control and knowing how to read nutrition labels are also valuable skills for maintaining a healthy diet.

Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it’s often neglected. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can significantly impact men’s quality of life and physical health. It’s essential to recognize signs of mental health struggles and seek support when needed.

Practices such as mindfulness meditation, regular exercise, and talking about feelings with friends, family, or a professional can improve mental health. Creating a balance between work and personal life also plays a critical role in maintaining emotional well-being.

Further Tips

Staying healthy requires care in all aspects of your daily life. Here are some more tips on staying healthy:

  • Wear Sunscreen: Sunscreen doesn’t just need to come out on sunny beach days. Wear SPF 30 or higher and reapply while spending time outdoors.
  • Consistent Sleep: Sleep helps repair body functions, supports stress management, and maintains cognitive functions. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of consistent sleep every night.
  • Social Well-being: Engaging with friends, family, and community provides emotional support, reduces stress, and can improve mood. Spend time with your loved ones and even join hobby groups to reap the benefits of positive, supportive relationships.
  • Limit Alcohol Intake: Limiting or eliminating alcohol can help improve your body’s functioning and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like liver disease.
  • Avoid Tobacco Use: Avoiding smoking and other tobacco usage can significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
  • Manage Stress: Along with taking care of your mental health, recognizing signs of stress and managing it well is crucial. Exercise, sleep, practicing mindfulness, and having a healthy work-life balance can help you manage stress effectively.

Men’s Health Services in the Antelope Valley

Staying healthy requires constant management throughout your whole life. But, it can be an enjoyable time that improves your quality of life. Making informed choices and taking proactive steps toward your health and wellness can lead to a longer, more vibrant life.

At Antelope Valley Medical Center, our dedicated care team can help you on your lifelong journey to wellness. From managing health risks to regular check-ups, we are dedicated to bringing you quality healthcare services to address all of your needs.

Schedule an appointment with your physician today! Visit us online to find a physician or to learn more about our services.