- Section 8 Main Office - 661-575-1511
- High Desert Health Center - 661-471-4000
- 211 LA County - Call 211
- Medi-Cal Hotline - 866-613-3777
- Valley Oasis, Domestic Violence Assistance - 661-945-6736
- Social Security Office - 866-964-1725
- AV Health Center K6 - 661-471-4860
- AV Community Clinic - 661-942-2391
- Antelope Valley Partners for Health
Treatment Programs
- Tarzana Treatment Center - 661-723-4829
- Stop Smoking - English - 800-662-8887
- Telehealth Mental Health - 866-740-6502
- Postpartum Depression Hotline - 800-944-4773
- LA Mental Health - 661-723-4260
Education Services
- Antelope Valley Adult School - 661-942-3042
- Antelope Valley Union High School District - 661-948-7655
- Empower Generations - 661-306-4361
- Youth Build - 661-266-8900
Food Banks
- Grace Resource Center - 661-940-5272
- Sophia Elizabeth Foundation
- Food Pantry at AVPH
- S.A.V.E.S. - 661-267-5191
Young Children
- Regional Center - 661-945-6761
- Black Infant Health - 661-945-0650
- Child Care Resource Center - 661-789-1200
- Head Start Palmdale - 661-273-4710
- The Children's Center of AV - 661-949-1206
- Yes 2 Kids - 661-940-9530
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
- Antelope Valley Breastfeeding Coalition
- WIC Breastfeeding Hotline - 661-726-6393
- AVMC OB Clinic - 661-726-6180
- AVPH Breastfeeding Support Group
- La Leche League of Antelope Valley
- Postpartum Depression Hotline - 800-944-4773
- Black Infant Health - 661-945-0650
- Education & Breastfeeding Center - 661-726-6210
- Planned Parenthood - 800-576-5544
- Care Net - 661 729-4277
- Mighty Little Giants