Contact Us
Please note this page is not monitored 24/7 and is not intended for emergencies.In case of emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
Call or Visit Us
Antelope Valley Medical Center
1600 West Avenue J
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 949-5000
To ensure you get the support and resources you need, the following departments are available to assist you.
Admitting: 661-949-5411
Billing & Business Office: 661-949-5781
Clinical Laboratory: 661-949-5600
Foundation: 661-949-5802
Gift Shop: 661-949-5040
Home Health: 661-949-5938
Human Resources: 661-949-5152
Lost & Found: 661-726-6250
Medical Records: 661-949-5011
Patient & Family Experience: 661-949-5650
Pre-Surgery: 661-949-5557
Volunteer Services: 661-949-5105
Technical Support
Technical assistance is available for the My AVMC Health Patient Portal, 24-hours a day by calling:
Email Us
Please note this section is not monitored 24/7 and is not intended for emergencies. In case of emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
When emailing please include the following, so we can best assist you:
Personal Information: (*required information)
- First Name*
- Last Name*
- Email Address*
- Phone Number*
- Best time to reach you* (Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
- Best Method Of Contact* (Phone, Email)
- How Can We Help You? * (Patient Feedback / Careers / Medical Records / Billing / Insurance / Website Feedback / General Information)
- Questions/Comments*