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Kudos to AV Medical Center

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Sourced By: Antelope Valley Press – Letters from Readers

The Antelope Valley Medical Center is a first-class hospital. I recently spent a week in ICU at this high-tech health resort. Shortly after admitting myself with low blood pressure, 1 was swiftly whisked about tl1e emergency room on a wheelchair, then a gurney. The professional diligence of scores of professionals intent on improving my well being was at work. Doctors, surgeons, nurses, technicians from various disciplines were actively participating in "crew resource management "for the best possible outcome. The chaplain even stopped by, held my hand and said a prayer.

My thirst for anything to swallow became very powerful following the ER. The ICU nurses wouldn't Jet me drink much. 1t seemed I was turning into a big chunk of beef jerky. 1 tried from many angles to obtain a soda pop from one registered nurse. She repeatedly denied the requests.

Today 1 am above ground and wish to tlmnk her for all the times she said "no". A few days later she brought me a soda pop. 1 got to start eating again too. Life was now looking up. Dinner was served after signing discharge paperwork. This was icing on the cake.

l thank the entire ICU team at AV Medical Center for bringing me back from certain death. The folks in the kitchen do a great job, too. Thanks again, AV Medical Center.