Getting support from all of you has made a world of difference
- Author: Mia
- Date Submitted: Nov 8, 2023

“From feeling like the end of our lives to getting support from all of you has made a world of difference.”
Receiving a new medical diagnosis is never easy, but when your 6-year-old daughter is diagnosed with a serious medical condition, it’s a different set of emotions. Cassandra and David found themselves navigating a new reality when their daughter Mia was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Initially, they felt overwhelmed and uncertain about what this diagnosis meant for Mia. “We never could have imagined the fears that were coming,” they both say.
Fortunately, our pediatric team jumped into action to help guide Cassandra, David, and Mia through her new diagnosis. AVMC’s pediatric nurses provided her parents with educational sessions and support, so they could better understand how to manage Mia’s diabetes.
“From feeling like the end of our lives to getting support from all of you has made a world of difference,” Cassandra and David say.
With the assistance of AVMC’s child life specialist, Mia also got to learn what this meant for her, through a medical play session. During her sessions, Mia played the role of a doctor and practiced caring for the pediatric nurses and the child life specialist. This hands-on experience helped her get familiar with the medical supplies she will be using and become more comfortable with finger pricks.
Mia writes in a card for her care team, to share her thanks, “Thank you for taking care of me.” Her parents also express their gratitude, “We thank all the staff who helped us get (through) this most difficult time in our lives. Thank you forever from the bottom of our hearts,” Cassandra and David write.