Life Changing Miracle
- Author: Clara S.
- Date Submitted: Feb 26, 2021

“I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and came to AVH in hopes of being a candidate for the new WATCHMAN procedure.”
I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and came to AVMC in hopes of being a candidate for the new WATCHMAN procedure. Dr. Gadallah told me if it worked for me then I would stop taking Xaralto, which I’ve been on for years to prevent blood clots and stroke. When I came I was admitted for a TEE (Transesophageal echocardiogram) to determine whether if I was a candidate. After confirming that I was indeed a candidate, I underwent the WATCHMAN procedure. The doctor cut a small hole in my leg and inserted the device up into my heart. He said that if it works it will close the area in my heart that stops blood from clotting. I spent the night and then was discharged the next afternoon, the doctor told me to continue my meds and follow the instructions for follow up appointments. Everyone that took care of me from the doctors to the nurses and the techs were wonderful. What they have to go through to help someone is a miracle.