Saving a Loved One’s Life
- Author: Donna O.
- Date Submitted: Dec 18, 2020

“How do you thank someone, let alone an entire organization, for saving a loved one’s life?”
How do you thank someone, let alone an entire organization, for saving a loved one’s life? There are no words to express that.
There are a number of people who were directly involved in saving Donna’s life. From her friend Debbie, who alertly recognized a problem and called 911, to the Emergency Department staff at AVMC who quickly stabilized Donna, to the calm and decisive move by Dr. Gupta to recognize the issue as being greater than AVMC could handle and to recommend getting Donna to UCLA, to Colleen Littlejohn for making a critical call to the local fire department to have Donna air-lifted in a 45-minute window rather than waiting six-plus hours, and to all the other friends and co-workers who contributed as well. If any one of these people hadn’t acted with the commitment and dedication to not only Donna but to their jobs, the outcome could have been much different.
We know this to be true, because the UCLA Neurological ICU commented that Antelope Valley Medical Center should be recognized and commended for their quick action as it is what likely changed the outcome for Donna.
Today Donna is recovering and, though she is not finished, is making remarkable strides. Her spirits are high, and she is feisty as ever. She is laughing, singing and walking without assistance. Her progress is nothing short of amazing, and she looks to be on the road to a full recovery. Only time and God’s grace will tell the full story.
The support our family has received from AVMC is overwhelming. The concern shown, the well-wishers, the GOFUNDME account, and people volunteering to drive Donna’s mom to and from Barlow Respiratory Hospital are nothing short of amazing. “Thank you” seems to fall short of expressing our gratitude, but they are the best two words we have.