She Became Family to Us
- Author: Joe G.
- Date Submitted: May 14, 2021

“This is about Nurse Lynda M. on the 4th floor. I cannot tell you what an amazing nurse she is and I am so thankful she was there.”
To whom it may concern,
This is about Nurse Lynda M. on the 4th floor. I cannot tell you what an amazing nurse she is and I am so thankful she was there. It has taken me a year to write this letter but every day I thank god for her. My wife was admitted in August of 2018 with Leukemia. Nurse Lynda was the first nurse on duty when the chemo was started. She was an angel comforting my wife and myself. Over the next month Nurse Lynda was more than a nurse she became family to us. We knew the outcome might not be good.
On the last day of the second round of chemo Lynda walked in to start her day, she noticed something was very wrong. She called the doctors and set a fire under their butts. My wife had contracted Mycosis that took the left eye overnight and was headed for the right eye. If she had not moved quickly I would have lost my wife in days. Thanks to nurse Lynda I had six months with my wife. Thank God for not only nurses but people like her.
Nurse Lynda was awarded the Daisy Award in 2021.