We’re Here, We’re Alive
- Author: Tinequa B.
- Date Submitted: May 5, 2021

“I was rushed here by ambulance and I didn’t have to stay, but the time that I spent here just fighting and wanting someone to help me and give hope…I received that care from you.”
In December of 2020, my mom and I got diagnosed with COVID, so I definitely had to find a way to say thank you to the entire staff at AV Hospital. It was a difficult time for everybody, as we still begin to transition out of COVID. So many lives were lost but so many still remain, and for those of us that have a voice, we need to say thank you. I just want to say thank you because when my mom was rushed here to AV Hospital she was almost at death’s door. She was diagnosed with COVID and pneumonia. She was here for about a week and when we came through, she couldn’t even really speak or have any recollection of where she was. She just out of it and we would call her while she was hospitalized try to talk to her because she was not alert. Probably for about maybe the next 2 days or so we began to see the transformation of change because of the staff and because of the immediate care she received. You guys saved her life.
I was rushed here by ambulance and I didn’t have to stay, but the time that I spent here just fighting and wanting someone to help me and give hope…I received that care from you. You guys still stood on the frontline to help us. Even a board member of ours came here and she said that you guys saved her life. And what helped was you guys being on the frontline or it probably would’ve been worse than what it was.
I don’t know if words are enough to say thank you for all that you have done during this time as we transition, and as we try to get better and heal as a community. I wouldn’t miss this for anything, I wouldn’t miss this opportunity to say thank you to you guys if my life depended on it. It’s truly a humble opportunity to get out here and write and just say thank you. I just want to say thank you on behalf of our entire board whose life you helped save and who could not be here; my mom, I know that she would want me to thank you, but she couldn’t be here, as she’s still on oxygen and having some side effects, but we’re taking it one day at a time. But we’re here, we’re alive, and we wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for your help, so thank you so much.