Patient Responsibilities
Optimal patient care depends on the cooperation between you and your healthcare team. You can positively affect your care, and the care of others, by fulfilling similar responsibilities for personal consideration, complete information and active participation. Specifically, we expect that you will:
• Be cooperative with hospital and medical staff.
• Treat hospital and medical staff, as well as other patients, in the same courteous, dignified manner that you expect from your health care team.
• Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel and assist in the control of noise, a smoke-free environment and the number of visitors.
• Be respectful of the property of other persons and of the hospital.
• Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your medical history, present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medical care and other matters related to your health.
• Report any changes in how you feel to your physician or a member of your healthcare team as soon as possible.
• Report whether you clearly understand your plan of care and what is expected of you.
• Follow hospital rules and regulations for the safety and effectiveness of all involved.
• Participate in your plan of care and accept the consequences for any refusal of treatment or choice to not follow recommendations of the healthcare team.
• Accept financial responsibility for your care and costs.
• Be responsible for follow-up care and ongoing healthcare needs.