Women and Infants Pavilion
High-Quality, Compassionate Care to Welcome Your New Baby
Antelope Valley Medical Center welcomes nearly 5,000 babies every year born in our Labor and Delivery Unit, a spacious and modern facility located in the Women and Infants Pavilion (WIP) on our hospital campus. The WIP offers an inviting environment where families can experience birth with the right blend of comfort, technology, and care from experienced medical professionals to support you and your family.
The pavilion's home-like atmosphere includes:
- 12 labor suites
- 12 pre-childbirth (or antepartum) rooms
- 12 triage bays
- Level IIIB Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- In-room couplet care for your newborn
- Sleeping accommodations for your support person
- 24-hour RN, certified lactation consultants
- Childbirth preparation classes
- Certified bilingual staff or translators
- Education & Breastfeeding Center
To schedule a tour of the Women and Infants Pavilion call (661) 726-6210, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Baby’s siblings are encouraged to visit the new baby, however, anyone who is sick or has symptoms of respiratory infection should not visit the Women and Infants Pavilion to protect babies from infection. Please review the hospital's visitor policy prior to your visit.
Couplet Care/Family-Centered Care
Unlike the traditional approach, in which new babies are cared for in a separate nursery by dedicated nursery staff, couplet care places healthy newborns in the same room with their mothers until discharge. The couplet care rooms in our Women and Infants Pavilion include extra sleeping accommodations for the person the mother chooses to support her while in the hospital.
Quality, compassionate care is our number one priority. We were named a Baby-Friendly Hospital in 2021, which supports breastfeeding and mother-baby bonding.
Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP)
CPSP is a state-wide program that provides enhanced reimbursement for a wide range of services to Medi-Cal eligible pregnant and postpartum women. The CPSP model was founded on the belief that pregnancy and birth outcomes improve when routine obstetric care (prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care) is integrated with specific nutrition, health education, and psychosocial services.
Services included in the CPSP program include assessments, reassessments, treatment, interventions in:
- Obstetrics and individual case coordination
- Nutrition
- Health education
- Psychosocial services
- Perinatal and parenting education and Vitamin/mineral supplements
- Referrals to WIC, genetic screening, dental care, family planning and pediatric care
- And more
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 949-5000 More Information -
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-6180 More Information